Core Computer Science Courses
Here you will find notes related to core cs courses
I m Planning to add notes for the following Specialization Courses:
1. ML Specialization: 🧮📊¶
ML Specialization Course 1: Supervised Machine Learning: Regression and Classification
ML Specialization Course 2: Advance Algorithms
ML Specialization Course 3: Unsupervised Learning, Recommenders, Reinforcement Learning
2. NLP Specialization:💬🔊¶
NLP Specialization Course 1: Natural Language Processing With Classification and Vector Spaces
NLP Specialization Course 2: Natural Language Processing With Probabilistic Models
NLP Specialization Course 3: Natural Language Processing With Sequence Models
NLP Specialization Course 4: Natural Language Processing With Attention Models
3. IBM Data Science Specialization: 💾🎛¶
Coming Soon ⏳
4. Google Cyber Security Specialization: ⚔️🛡¶
Coming Soon ⏳
I will add blogs about each course and the importance for your future career as well
Check out the blogs frequectly !