================ by Jawad Haider
Chpt 4 - Visualization with Matplotlib¶
12 - Customizing Matplotlib: Configurations and Stylesheets¶
- Customizing Matplotlib: Configurations and Stylesheets
- Plot Customization by Hand
- Changing the Defaults: rcParams
- Stylesheets
Customizing Matplotlib: Configurations and Stylesheets¶
Matplotlib’s default plot settings are often the subject of complaint among its users. While much is slated to change in the 2.0 Matplotlib release, the ability to customize default settings helps bring the package in line with your own aesthetic preferences. Here we’ll walk through some of Matplotlib’s runtime configuration (rc) options, and take a look at the newer stylesheets feature, which contains some nice sets of default configurations.
Plot Customization by Hand¶
Throughout this chapter, we’ve seen how it is possible to tweak individual plot set‐ tings to end up with something that looks a little bit nicer than the default. It’s possi‐ ble to do these customizations for each individual plot. For example, here is a fairly drab default histogram
# We can adjust this by hand to make it a much more visually pleasing plot
# use a gray backgoung
# draw solid white grid line
plt.grid(color='w', linestyle='solid')
# hide axis spines
for spine in ax.spines.values():
#hide top and right ticks
#lighten ticks and labels
for tick in ax.get_xticklabels():
for tick in ax.get_yticklabels():
# control face and edge color of histogram
ax.hist(x,edgecolor='#E6E6E6', color='#EE6666')
(array([ 12., 37., 98., 173., 257., 213., 124., 59., 23., 4.]),
array([-2.90788595, -2.30201003, -1.69613411, -1.09025818, -0.48438226,
0.12149367, 0.72736959, 1.33324551, 1.93912144, 2.54499736,
<BarContainer object of 10 artists>)
This looks better, and you may recognize the look as inspired by the look of the R language’s ggplot visualization package. But this took a whole lot of effort! We defi‐ nitely do not want to have to do all that tweaking each time we create a plot. Fortu‐ nately, there is a way to adjust these defaults once in a way that will work for all plots.
Changing the Defaults: rcParams¶
Each time Matplotlib loads, it defines a runtime configuration (rc) containing the default styles for every plot element you create. You can adjust this configuration at any time using the plt.rc convenience routine. Let’s see what it looks like to modify the rc parameters so that our default plot will look similar to what we did before. We’ll start by saving a copy of the current rcParams dictionary, so we can easily reset these changes in the current session:
from matplotlib import cycler
colors = cycler('color',
['#EE6666', '#3388BB', '#9988DD',
'#EECC55', '#88BB44', '#FFBBBB'])
plt.rc('axes', facecolor='#E6E6E6', edgecolor='none',
axisbelow=True, grid=True, prop_cycle=colors)
plt.rc('grid', color='w', linestyle='solid')
plt.rc('xtick', direction='out', color='gray')
plt.rc('ytick', direction='out', color='gray')
plt.rc('patch', edgecolor='#E6E6E6')
plt.rc('lines', linewidth=2)
# Let’s see what simple line plots look like with these rc parameters
for i in range(4):
I find this much more aesthetically pleasing than the default styling. If you disagree with my aesthetic sense, the good news is that you can adjust the rc parameters to suit your own tastes! These settings can be saved in a .matplotlibrc file, which you can read about in the Matplotlib documentation. That said, I prefer to customize Mat‐ plotlib using its stylesheets instead.
Even if you don’t create your own style, the stylesheets included by default are extremely useful. The available styles are listed in plt.style.available—here I’ll list only the first five for brevity:
NameError: name 'make_a_plot' is not defined
def hist_and_lines():
fig, ax= plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(11,4))
for i in range(3):
ax[1].legend(['a','b','c'],loc='lower left')
Default style¶
The default style is what we’ve been seeing so far throughout the book; we’ll start with that. First, let’s reset our runtime configuration to the notebook default:
Bayesian Methods for Hackers style There is a very nice short online book called Probabilistic Programming and Bayesian Methods for Hackers; it features figures created with Matplotlib, and uses a nice set of rc parameters to create a consistent and visually appealing style throughout the book. This style is reproduced in the bmh stylesheet
Dark background For figures used within presentations, it is often useful to have a dark rather than light background. The dark_background style provides this
Grayscale Sometimes you might find yourself preparing figures for a print publication that does not accept color figures.
Seaborn style Matplotlib also has stylesheets inspired by the Seaborn library (discussed more fully in “Visualization with Seaborn” on page 311). As we will see, these styles are loaded automatically when Seaborn is imported into a notebook.