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================ by Jawad Haider

Chpt 4 - Visualization with Matplotlib

04 - Basic Errorbars

Visualizing Errors

For any scientific measurement, accurate accounting for errors is nearly as important, if not more important, than accurate reporting of the number itself.

Basic Errorbars

A basic errorbar can be created with a single Matplotlib function call

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'seaborn-whitegrid')
import numpy as np

plt.errorbar(x,y,yerr=dy, fmt='k');

Here the fmt is a format code controlling the appearance of lines

plt.errorbar(x,y,yerr=dy, fmt='o',color='black', ecolor='lightgray',
            elinewidth=3, capsize=0);

In addition to these options, you can also specify horizontal errorbars (xerr), one- sided errorbars, and many other variants. For more information on the options avail‐ able, refer to the docstring of plt.errorbar. ## Continuous Errors In some situations it is desirable to show errorbars on continuous quantities. Though Matplotlib does not have a built-in convenience routine for this type of application, it’s relatively easy to combine primitives like plt.plot and plt.fill_between for a useful result.

from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor 
#define the model and draw some dataa
model = lambda x: x*np.sin(x)
# computer the Gaussain process fit
gr = GaussianProcessRegressor()[:,np.newaxis], ydata)
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yfit = gr.predict(xfit[:,np.newaxis])