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================ by Jawad Haider

Chpt 2 - Data Manipulation with Pandas

07 - Aggregation and Grouping

Aggregation and Grouping

An essential piece of analysis of large data is efficient summarization: computing aggregations like sum(), mean(), median(), min(), and max(), in which a single num‐ ber gives insight into the nature of a potentially large dataset. In this section, we’ll explore aggregations in Pandas, from simple operations akin to what we’ve seen on NumPy arrays, to more sophisticated operations based on the concept of a groupby. ## Planets Data

import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
planets= sns.load_dataset('planets')
(1035, 6)
method number orbital_period mass distance year
0 Radial Velocity 1 269.300 7.10 77.40 2006
1 Radial Velocity 1 874.774 2.21 56.95 2008
2 Radial Velocity 1 763.000 2.60 19.84 2011
3 Radial Velocity 1 326.030 19.40 110.62 2007
4 Radial Velocity 1 516.220 10.50 119.47 2009
# simple aggregation in Pandas
0    0.374540
1    0.950714
2    0.731994
3    0.598658
4    0.156019
dtype: float64
0 0.155995 0.020584
1 0.058084 0.969910
2 0.866176 0.832443
3 0.601115 0.212339
4 0.708073 0.181825
A    0.477888
B    0.443420
dtype: float64
A    2.389442
B    2.217101
dtype: float64
number orbital_period mass distance year
count 498.00000 498.000000 498.000000 498.000000 498.000000
mean 1.73494 835.778671 2.509320 52.068213 2007.377510
std 1.17572 1469.128259 3.636274 46.596041 4.167284
min 1.00000 1.328300 0.003600 1.350000 1989.000000
25% 1.00000 38.272250 0.212500 24.497500 2005.000000
50% 1.00000 357.000000 1.245000 39.940000 2009.000000
75% 2.00000 999.600000 2.867500 59.332500 2011.000000
max 6.00000 17337.500000 25.000000 354.000000 2014.000000
method            1035
number            1035
orbital_period     992
mass               513
distance           808
year              1035
dtype: int64

These are all methods of DataFrame and Series objects. To go deeper into the data, however, simple aggregates are often not enough. The next level of data summarization is the groupby operation, which allows you to quickly and efficiently compute aggregates on subsets of data. ## GroupBy: Split, Apply, Combine Simple aggregations can give you a flavor of your dataset, but often we would prefer to aggregate conditionally on some label or index: this is implemented in the so- called groupby operation. The name “group by” comes from a command in the SQL database language, but it is perhaps more illuminative to think of it in the terms first coined by Hadley Wickham of Rstats fame: split, apply, combine. ### Split, apply, combine A canonical example of this split-apply-combine operation, where the “apply” is a summation aggregation:
• The split step involves breaking up and grouping a DataFrame depending on the value of the specified key.
• The apply step involves computing some function, usually an aggregate, transformation, or filtering, within the individual groups.
• The combine step merges the results of these operations into an output array.

While we could certainly do this manually using some combination of the masking, aggregation, and merging commands covered earlier, it’s important to realize that the intermediate splits do not need to be explicitly instantiated. Rather, the GroupBy can (often) do this in a single pass over the data, updating the sum, mean, count, min, or other aggregate for each group along the way. The power of the GroupBy is that it abstracts away these steps: the user need not think about how the computation is done under the hood, but rather thinks about the operation as a whole.

df = pd.DataFrame({'key': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'C'],
'data': range(6)}, columns=['key', 'data'])
key data
0 A 0
1 B 1
2 C 2
3 A 3
4 B 4
5 C 5
df.groupby('key') # a groupby object is created
<pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x7f9e6c0b6a30>

Notice that what is returned is not a set of DataFrames, but a DataFrameGroupBy object. This object is where the magic is: you can think of it as a special view of the DataFrame, which is poised to dig into the groups but does no actual computation until the aggregation is applied. This “lazy evaluation” approach means that common aggregates can be implemented very efficiently in a way that is almost transparent to the user.

A 3
B 5
C 7

Let’s introduce some of the other func‐ tionality that can be used with the basic GroupBy operation.
Column indexing. The GroupBy object supports column indexing in the same way as the DataFrame, and returns a modified GroupBy object.

<pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x7f9e6e0c71f0>
<pandas.core.groupby.generic.SeriesGroupBy object at 0x7f9e6c56f9a0>

Here we’ve selected a particular Series group from the original DataFrame group by reference to its column name. As with the GroupBy object, no computation is done until we call some aggregate on the object:

Astrometry                         631.180000
Eclipse Timing Variations         4343.500000
Imaging                          27500.000000
Microlensing                      3300.000000
Orbital Brightness Modulation        0.342887
Pulsar Timing                       66.541900
Pulsation Timing Variations       1170.000000
Radial Velocity                    360.200000
Transit                              5.714932
Transit Timing Variations           57.011000
Name: orbital_period, dtype: float64

Iteration over groups. The GroupBy object supports direct iteration over the groups, returning each group as a Series or DataFrame

for (method,group) in planets.groupby('method'):
    print("{0:30s} shape={1}".format(method, group.shape))
Astrometry                     shape=(2, 6)
Eclipse Timing Variations      shape=(9, 6)
Imaging                        shape=(38, 6)
Microlensing                   shape=(23, 6)
Orbital Brightness Modulation  shape=(3, 6)
Pulsar Timing                  shape=(5, 6)
Pulsation Timing Variations    shape=(1, 6)
Radial Velocity                shape=(553, 6)
Transit                        shape=(397, 6)
Transit Timing Variations      shape=(4, 6)

Dispatch methods. Through some Python class magic, any method not explicitly implemented by the GroupBy object will be passed through and called on the groups, whether they are DataFrame or Series objects. For example, you can use the describe() method of DataFrames to perform a set of aggregations that describe each group in the data:

count  Astrometry                          2.0
       Eclipse Timing Variations           9.0
       Imaging                            38.0
       Microlensing                       23.0
       Orbital Brightness Modulation       3.0
max    Pulsar Timing                    2011.0
       Pulsation Timing Variations      2007.0
       Radial Velocity                  2014.0
       Transit                          2014.0
       Transit Timing Variations        2014.0
Length: 80, dtype: float64

Aggregate, filter, transform, apply

The preceding discussion focused on aggregation for the combine operation, but there are more options available. In particular, GroupBy objects have aggregate(), filter(), transform(), and apply() methods that efficiently implement a variety of useful operations before combining the grouped data.

rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
df = pd.DataFrame({'key': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'C'],
'data1': range(6),
'data2': rng.randint(0, 10, 6)},
columns = ['key', 'data1', 'data2'])
key data1 data2
0 A 0 5
1 B 1 0
2 C 2 3
3 A 3 3
4 B 4 7
5 C 5 9

Aggregation. We’re now familiar with GroupBy aggregations with sum(), median(), and the like, but the aggregate() method allows for even more flexibility. It can take a string, a function, or a list thereof, and compute all the aggregates at once. Here is a quick example combining all these:

df.groupby('key').aggregate(['min',np.median, max])
data1 data2
min median max min median max
A 0 1.5 3 3 4.0 5
B 1 2.5 4 0 3.5 7
C 2 3.5 5 3 6.0 9
data1 data2
A 0 5
B 1 7
C 2 9

Filtering. A filtering operation allows you to drop data based on the group proper‐ ties. For example, we might want to keep all groups in which the standard deviation is larger than some critical value:

def filter_func(x):
    return x['data2'].std()>4

  key  data1  data2
0   A      0      5
1   B      1      0
2   C      2      3
3   A      3      3
4   B      4      7
5   C      5      9
data1 data2
A 2.12132 1.414214
B 2.12132 4.949747
C 2.12132 4.242641
key data1 data2
1 B 1 0
2 C 2 3
4 B 4 7
5 C 5 9

Transformation. While aggregation must return a reduced version of the data, trans‐ formation can return some transformed version of the full data to recombine. For such a transformation, the output is the same shape as the input. A common example is to center the data by subtracting the group-wise mean:

df.groupby('key').transform(lambda s: s - s.mean())
data1 data2
0 -1.5 1.0
1 -1.5 -3.5
2 -1.5 -3.0
3 1.5 -1.0
4 1.5 3.5
5 1.5 3.0

The apply() method. The apply() method lets you apply an arbitrary function to the group results. The function should take a DataFrame, and return either a Pandas object (e.g., DataFrame, Series) or a scalar; the combine operation will be tailored to the type of output returned.

def norm_by_data2(x):
    return x
key data1 data2
0 A 0 5
1 B 1 0
2 C 2 3
3 A 3 3
4 B 4 7
5 C 5 9
key data1 data2
0 A 0.000000 5
1 B 0.142857 0
2 C 0.166667 3
3 A 0.375000 3
4 B 0.571429 7
5 C 0.416667 9

Specifying the split key In the simple examples presented before, we split the DataFrame on a single column name. This is just one of many options by which the groups can be defined, and we’ll go through some other options for group specification here. A list, array, series, or index providing the grouping keys. The key can be any series or list with a length matching that of the DataFrame.

data1 data2
0 7 17
1 4 3
2 4 7
data1 data2
A 3 8
B 5 7
C 7 12