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================ by Jawad Haider

Chpt 2 - Data Manipulation with Pandas

07 - Combining Datasets: Merge and Join

import numpy as  np
import pandas as pd

Combining Datasets: Merge and Join

One essential feature offered by Pandas is its high-performance, in-memory join and merge operations. If you have ever worked with databases, you should be familiar with this type of data interaction. The main interface for this is the pd.merge func‐ tion, and we’ll see a few examples of how this can work in practice. ### Relational Algebra The behavior implemented in pd.merge() is a subset of what is known as relational algebra, which is a formal set of rules for manipulating relational data, and forms the conceptual foundation of operations available in most databases. The strength of the relational algebra approach is that it proposes several primitive operations, which become the building blocks of more complicated operations on any dataset. With this lexicon of fundamental operations implemented efficiently in a database or other pro‐ gram, a wide range of fairly complicated composite operations can be performed. Pandas implements several of these fundamental building blocks in the pd.merge() function and the related join() method of Series and DataFrames. As we will see, these let you efficiently link data from different sources.

Categories of Joins

The pd.merge() function implements a number of types of joins: the one-to-one, many-to-one, and many-to-many joins. All three types of joins are accessed via an identical call to the pd.merge() interface; the type of join performed depends on the form of the input data.

One-to-one joins

Perhaps the simplest type of merge expression is the one-to-one join, which is in many ways very similar to the column-wise concatenation

df1 = pd.DataFrame({'employee': ['Bob', 'Jake', 'Lisa', 'Sue'],
'group': ['Accounting', 'Engineering', 'Engineering', 'HR']})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'employee': ['Lisa', 'Bob', 'Jake', 'Sue'],
'hire_date': [2004, 2008, 2012, 2014]})
employee group
0 Bob Accounting
1 Jake Engineering
2 Lisa Engineering
3 Sue HR
employee hire_date
0 Lisa 2004
1 Bob 2008
2 Jake 2012
3 Sue 2014
employee group hire_date
0 Bob Accounting 2008
1 Jake Engineering 2012
2 Lisa Engineering 2004
3 Sue HR 2014

Many-to-one joins

Many-to-one joins are joins in which one of the two key columns contains duplicate entries. For the many-to-one case, the resulting DataFrame will preserve those dupli‐ cate entries as appropriate.

df4 = pd.DataFrame({'group': ['Accounting', 'Engineering', 'HR'],
'supervisor': ['Carly', 'Guido', 'Steve']})
group supervisor
0 Accounting Carly
1 Engineering Guido
2 HR Steve
employee group hire_date
0 Bob Accounting 2008
1 Jake Engineering 2012
2 Lisa Engineering 2004
3 Sue HR 2014
employee group hire_date supervisor
0 Bob Accounting 2008 Carly
1 Jake Engineering 2012 Guido
2 Lisa Engineering 2004 Guido
3 Sue HR 2014 Steve

Many-to-many joins

Many-to-many joins are a bit confusing conceptually, but are nevertheless well defined. If the key column in both the left and right array contains duplicates, then the result is a many-to-many merge. This will be perhaps most clear with a concrete example

df5 = pd.DataFrame({'group': ['Accounting', 'Accounting',
'Engineering', 'Engineering', 'HR', 'HR'],'skills': ['math', 'spreadsheets', 'coding', 'linux',
'spreadsheets', 'organization']})
group skills
0 Accounting math
1 Accounting spreadsheets
2 Engineering coding
3 Engineering linux
4 HR spreadsheets
5 HR organization
employee group
0 Bob Accounting
1 Jake Engineering
2 Lisa Engineering
3 Sue HR
employee group skills
0 Bob Accounting math
1 Bob Accounting spreadsheets
2 Jake Engineering coding
3 Jake Engineering linux
4 Lisa Engineering coding
5 Lisa Engineering linux
6 Sue HR spreadsheets
7 Sue HR organization

Specification of the Merge Key

We’ve already seen the default behavior of pd.merge(): it looks for one or more matching column names between the two inputs, and uses this as the key. However, often the column names will not match so nicely, and pd.merge() provides a variety of options for handling this.

The on keyword

Most simply, you can explicitly specify the name of the key column using the on key‐ word, which takes a column name or a list of column names:

employee group
0 Bob Accounting
1 Jake Engineering
2 Lisa Engineering
3 Sue HR
employee hire_date
0 Lisa 2004
1 Bob 2008
2 Jake 2012
3 Sue 2014
pd.merge(df1,df2, on='employee')
employee group hire_date
0 Bob Accounting 2008
1 Jake Engineering 2012
2 Lisa Engineering 2004
3 Sue HR 2014

The left_on and right_on keywords

At times you may wish to merge two datasets with different column names; for exam‐ ple, we may have a dataset in which the employee name is labeled as “name” rather than “employee”. In this case, we can use the left_on and right_on keywords to specify the two column names:

df3 = pd.DataFrame({'name': ['Bob', 'Jake', 'Lisa', 'Sue'],
'salary': [70000, 80000, 120000, 90000]})
name salary
0 Bob 70000
1 Jake 80000
2 Lisa 120000
3 Sue 90000
employee group
0 Bob Accounting
1 Jake Engineering
2 Lisa Engineering
3 Sue HR
pd.merge(df1,df3, left_on='employee', right_on='name')
employee group name salary
0 Bob Accounting Bob 70000
1 Jake Engineering Jake 80000
2 Lisa Engineering Lisa 120000
3 Sue HR Sue 90000
# to drop the redundant column
pd.merge(df1,df3, left_on='employee', right_on='name').drop('name',axis=1)
employee group salary
0 Bob Accounting 70000
1 Jake Engineering 80000
2 Lisa Engineering 120000
3 Sue HR 90000

Specifying Set Arithmetic for Joins

In all the preceding examples we have glossed over one important consideration in performing a join: the type of set arithmetic used in the join. This comes up when a value appears in one key column but not the other.

df6 = pd.DataFrame({'name': ['Peter', 'Paul', 'Mary'],
'food': ['fish', 'beans', 'bread']},
columns=['name', 'food'])
df7 = pd.DataFrame({'name': ['Mary', 'Joseph'],
'drink': ['wine', 'beer']},
columns=['name', 'drink'])
name food
0 Peter fish
1 Paul beans
2 Mary bread
name drink
0 Mary wine
1 Joseph beer
pd.merge(df6,df7,how='inner') # Interection
name food drink
0 Mary bread wine
pd.merge(df6,df7,how='outer') # union
name food drink
0 Peter fish NaN
1 Paul beans NaN
2 Mary bread wine
3 Joseph NaN beer
name food drink
0 Peter fish NaN
1 Paul beans NaN
2 Mary bread wine
name food drink
0 Mary bread wine
1 Joseph NaN beer

Overlapping Column Names: The suffixes Keyword

Finally, you may end up in a case where your two input DataFrames have conflicting column names.

df8 = pd.DataFrame({'name': ['Bob', 'Jake', 'Lisa', 'Sue'],
'rank': [1, 2, 3, 4]})
name rank
0 Bob 1
1 Jake 2
2 Lisa 3
3 Sue 4
df9 = pd.DataFrame({'name': ['Bob', 'Jake', 'Lisa', 'Sue'],
'rank': [3, 1, 4, 2]})
name rank
0 Bob 3
1 Jake 1
2 Lisa 4
3 Sue 2
pd.merge(df8,df9, on='name')
name rank_x rank_y
0 Bob 1 3
1 Jake 2 1
2 Lisa 3 4
3 Sue 4 2

**Because the output would have two conflicting column names, the merge function automatically appends a suffix _x or _y to make the output columns unique. If these defaults are inappropriate, it is possible to specify a custom suffix using the suffixes keyword:**

name rank_L rank_R
0 Bob 1 3
1 Jake 2 1
2 Lisa 3 4
3 Sue 4 2