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Welcome to cs-notes 📓

This site holds my notes for different computer science courses. In the start I wanted to dedicate this to only Machine Learning part, but then I extended it to all Computer Science.

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The courses and notes are as follow: ✨

Books Notes 🛹

contains notes for some well known books

Bootcamps Notes 🏆

contains notes for some of the most popular bootcamps for machine learning, data structures and algorithms and many other topics in computer science

Competitive Programming Adventures 📟

Here you will see problem solving and solutions with explaination to coding challenges from Leetcode, code forces, exercism and many other

Core Computer Science 🖥

Here you will find topics related to Computer Science core subjects, Specialization Courses, programming languages, and much more

My Research 🧮

My Research publication and conference papers for anyone interested in doing research in the fields of Machine Learning, Combinotorial Optimization Problem

Blog 💣

section will have severl tutorials for machine learning, deep learning, AI, Data Science and any other topic which the mind.

Your Contributions are highly valued 🔥

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Your suggestions are also highly needed and encouraged ❤

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